Introduction to a Fertility Journey

By the Acuworx Team

If the topic of fertility is a point of interest for you, or a point of pain and struggle, take comfort in knowing everyone is at a different stage in their journey. The more you understand about your body and fertility, the more in control and prepared you will feel for parenthood.  

Fertility 101: It’s not easy!

Despite what many of us were taught at a young age, it is not “easy” to get pregnant. The science of fertility is complex. Timing, along with good egg quality, are two of the biggest factors that lead to a successful pregnancy.

The window to conceive is limited to 24-72 hours. During this time, ovulation occurs and the ovary releases a viable egg; if the egg is not fertilized, it will pass through resulting in a period. Ovulation is typically in the middle of a menstrual cycle, but this is not true for every woman. Also, the egg released at this time is not always viable. Just because ovulation occurred doesn’t mean there was a mature egg that could be fertilized. 

Many couples are disappointed when their fertility journey becomes longer than expected. Variables such as age, diet, stress, and underlying health conditions can affect one’s ability to conceive. For example, a healthy couple in their mid-20s have a 20-25% chance of conception per menstrual cycle. Understanding and managing these variables can help you feel more in control and increase your chances of success.

When trying to conceive naturally with timed intercourse (having sex during that magical 24-72 hour window), it’s important to understand your body and its patterns. First, analyze your period cycle, bleeding pattern, PMS symptoms, and history. Next, track when your hormones shift to find your ovulation time. One way to do this is to measure your basal body temperature (BBT) every morning. 

To measure BBT, use a sensitive thermometer (2 decimal points) and a fertility app to graph the temperature points. You should notice an increased temperature shift mid-cycle. Together with an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) and the presence of increased cervical mucus, you can find the right time to have intercourse and increase your chances of conception. If any of these signs are not present, there may be underlying factors needing to be addressed. 

With processes like IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), having mental and emotional support and limiting stress will improve the body’s hormonal response. Ways to limit stress include meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, and acupuncture. If relaxation practices don’t come natural to you, acupuncture can be an extremely helpful tool in managing stress.


You’re not alone in this journey. Fertility, health, and wellness is something both partners need to work on. It’s a 50/50 contribution! To increase the odds of a healthy pregnancy, encourage your partner to work on their state of wellness too. 

For males who may be overly stressed, dehydrated, and dealing with inflammation, the sperm is directly affected. Regular acupuncture treatments along with herbs can help reduce stress, increase sperm count and improve motility, and morphology.

For prospective LGBT+ parents and/or single parents, we’re here to support you too! As acupuncturists, we listen to your personal stories to understand your unique, individual needs. Whether it’s education, stress management, or dietary and lifestyle advice, we are here to guide you through the entire process.

How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Helps

Traditional Chinese Medicine has a rich history of studying and recording health, fertility, and pregnancy. Imagine life during the Imperial Monarchy when there was the pressure of producing a child/heir! A physician would be able to tell a woman was pregnant from simply feeling her pulse. Food and herbs were medicine, and their interaction with women’s menstrual cycles and men’s libido were meticulously recorded and studied by doctors. 

For women, TCM looks at the entire menstrual cycle, assessing factors such as blood amount and quality, cervical mucus, and PMS symptoms. Women’s personal menstrual history and mother and grandmother’s birth history are also taken into consideration. For men, libido, diet, sleep, and stress management are important factors affecting reproductive health.

According to TCM, every person has a certain pattern and type for their body composition and should be treated with individual approaches. “One pill treats all” is not a concept Chinese medicine follows.

Key benefits of acupuncture and Chinese medicine:

  • For women, acupuncture helps relax the body, increase follicle development and ovarian function. It increases blood flow to the uterus, and increases uterine lining and thickness. Herbs are used for energy, balancing hormones, unblocking obstructions, and increasing blood flow.

  • For men, regular acupuncture treatments work to balance the mind and body, improving overall health and wellness. Acupuncture paired with herbs helps boost libido, increase sperm count, and improve sperm motility and morphology.

  • The recommended frequency for acupuncture and herbs is 3-6 months before trying to conceive naturally.

  • During the conception process, acupuncture is the perfect complement to IUI and IVF. It prepares the body before and after retrieval and transfers, lessens the side effects of medications, and balances stress hormones.

Not sure where you are in your fertility journey? Let’s analyze, troubleshoot, and come up with a plan together. —Rebecca

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Disclaimer: The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or licensed practitioner with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. References available on request.


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