Healing with Hertz

By the Acuworx Team

There is no denying the beauty of music, and it’s importance in all our lives.  Sound and music have been known to heal since the beginning of time.  It picks us up when we’re down, reminds us of the collective experience we share, and helps us express our emotions. When we open our throats to sing, hum or move our bodies to the beat, we can relate to the words and energy of the sender and take a deeper dive into our inner truth. This brings our bodies back into energetic balance, so it's no wonder we are attracted to certain sounds that soothe and heal.  With that, I’d like to introduce Healing with Hertz….

Hertz, or frequency,  is how we measure the sound vibrational energy constantly resonating all around us.  In ancient times, it was believed by mystics that music was the power of creation itself. In the 1920s physicist Heinrich Hertz introduced the term hertz.  A measurement based on the metric system to identify sound in cycles or waves per second.  Different frequencies have been discovered throughout time, to alter mental, emotional and physical effects.  One of the more popular frequency categories is known as the Solfeggio healing frequencies.  Harmonized music to these frequencies known as scientific tuning.  For example, 432, 528, 396, and 741Hz hold different benefits from slowing down the heart rate, to problem solving, to awakening intuition, and even DNA repair.  When two or more sounds from different sources vibrate at the same frequency they are said to resonate. 432Hz specifically, resonates with the human experience and is known for its soothing and calming effects. This frequency fills the mind with feelings of well being and overall peace.

Hertz actually lends itself well to many aspects of our life. For example during: 

  • Sleep:  I love falling asleep to a playlist of these hertz at night; as I put my attention to them, I can literally feel the wavelengths travel through my body. The playlist is also the perfect accompaniment to yoga, exercise, meditation, and of course, acupuncture. 

  • Reading:  A wonderful book by Anodea Judithin, Eastern Body Western Mind, shars that all life is rhythmic, and that resonance is a state of synchronization among vibrational patterns (wavelike movements through space and time).

  • Acupuncture:  I drift off knowing I am in resonance with the sound, vibration and intuition of life.  We are happy to accommodate requests for healing tones that suit your needs and save those for future visits.  With a Sonos speaker in every room connected to Spotify, we are happy to fine tune the hertz of your choice to send you on your way to your own private healing oasis.

For your listening enjoyment, Acuworx has created a couple of Hertz playlists on Spotify.  Have fun finding the frequency which resonates with you!

In Peace and Resonance

—Elena Woodward

“There is no greater and more living resonator of sound than the human body. Sound has an effect on each atom of the body, for each atom resounds.” -Hazrat Inayat Khan 


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