Men’s Health Awareness

By Dr. Matthew Fellner, DAC, L.Ac.

Guys, we get it, addressing health issues is not our favorite thing. Partners, we get it, encouraging your loved one can also be challenging. We understand that ‘powering through’ work, personal goals, family life and social obligations is common amongst us (for reasons we won’t get into!). Even though we may have operated with this mindset, it is critical now more than ever to take our health into our own hands since it is Men’s Health Month. We are here to help you manage symptoms, create a plan to get you (back) on track so you have a healthy balance that is achievable to your lifestyle & needs. 

Men’s Health Month & International Men's Health Week were created to promote healthier lifestyles for all men and boys. This includes physical, mental and emotional well-being along with more effective prevention and treatment. 

Some of the most common health conditions according to US Department of Health & Human Services and National Institutes of Health include anxiety and depression, diabetes, heart and cardiovascular issues and hormone imbalance like decreasing testosterone. 

All of these conditions can usually be tied back to a few culprits that you may already be familiar with: Stress and inflammation, unhealthy lifestyle choices, lack of sleep and/or not addressing existing health issues. The result is a pattern of imbalance or disease that should be addressed before more serious complications arise. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) addresses these patterns by identifying the signals the body uses to alert that there is a problem. The body alerts us through manifestations including muscle tension, fatigue, difficulty losing weight (beyond working out), digestive issues and loss of focus and concentration. TCM practitioners are trained to identify and address these patterns of imbalance through tools of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine* to restore balance and promote optimal health.  Before committing to an acupuncture treatment, feel free to set up a complimentary consultation with a licensed practitioner.

Below are symptoms you may be experiencing and how TCM and acupuncture can help the most common health issues males deal with:

Diabetes (diagnosed by primary care physician) 

  • Manifestations: Extra weight around the midsection, fatigue, joint pain, gas/bloating and heartburn, lowered immunity, vision and circulatory issues can be a factor. 

  • How TCM helps: 

    • Acupuncture 

      • It can be difficult to lose weight because many people get caught in a stress response (the metabolism slows because it can take a back seat to the fight or flight response that triggers stress chemicals). Acupuncture helps regulate stress response, blood sugar and metabolism to decrease unwanted symptoms.

    • Personalized Chinese herbal medicine prescription 

      • Herbal formulas can assist in maintaining blood sugar balance and help to regulate metabolic deficiencies. They are not specifically meant to cause direct weight loss, but with holistic lifestyle changes that build on acupuncture sessions, they often do assist in regulating weight to establish a healthy baseline weight. 

Heart health, Cardiovascular issues including high cholesterol & high blood pressure diagnosed by primary care physician) 

  • Manifestations: Fatigue, inflammation and poor circulation, susceptibility to stroke 

  • How TCM helps: 

    • Acupuncture 

      • Boosts Qi and blood (increases energy)

    • Personalized Chinese herbal medicine prescription 

      • The herbs used for cardiovascular health help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and even repair some of the micro damage to arteries and blood vessels that is often the cause of high cholesterol (which can lead to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease) 

    • Vitamins 

      • What’s in your kitchen or medicine cabinet, like fish oil and turmeric, is a good place to start 

Imbalanced hormones & decreasing testosterone (diagnosed by primary care physician) 

  • Manifestations: Low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, loss of muscle tone, loss of focus/concentration

  • How TCM helps: 

    • Acupuncture

      • Regular sessions can help to regulate the way the hypothalamus produces testosterone, signaling the brain to produce more 

    • Personalized Chinese herbal medicine prescription 

      • Herbal formulas can also help to regulate hormone imbalances and are used to help boost energy levels, improve mental clarity, and improve circulation to the genitals.

Our practitioners also advise on a holistic approach by making healthy lifestyle choices including diet, regular exercise and breathing techniques. 

Instead of putting off annual check ups or scheduling follow up appointments, empower yourself by booking them now to see where you are in your health journey and where you need to go. Contact us to set up a complimentary consultation with Dr. Matt DACM, L.Ac. & herbalist or Panos Ioannou L.Ac. & Herbalist to learn how we can get you on track to optimal health. 

*New Jersey State Licensed Herbalist in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine: one is thoroughly trained in prescribing custom formulas based on individual needs. Chinese Herbal Medicine is safe and natural. However we suggest consulting with a licensed acupuncturist and/or licensed herbalist before taking any herbal remedies.  There is no one size fits all! Formulas are customized to the individual.


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