Spring Awakening

By the Acuworx Team

The days are getting longer and the Sun is showing up for us. Nature is starting to awaken from her winter’s rest, and so are we. Spring is the time where yang starts to take rise - and we might be feeling eager to get back out there after months of yin-dominant energy keeping us sheltered, but it’s important to ease into this season. To better help you lean into Spring, we’re sharing some guidance from a Chinese Medicine perspective.

In the Spring we see flowers blooming, nature giving birth and coming back to life. It makes sense that the color of Spring is green. Green is a color of growth, life, and wellbeing. The element of Spring is wood. Wood is known for its strength, flexibility, and expansion. Like nature, it’s time for us to grow. We are small buds of potential breaking through the Earth’s surface, reaching to get some sun on our face. But remember, flowers don’t bloom overnight. With proper nourishment and care, you’ll find yourself opening up to Spring just as you need.

Dust off the winter cobwebs! Spring is a great time to clean out our physical and mental closets. The seasons change, and so do we. Be open to the new, and look forward because that’s the direction we’re going this season. We see wind with Spring, clearing the old and bringing us fresh air. That being said, wind can also have a negative impact on our physical health - so don’t put your coat away just yet. It’s important that we continue to keep our skin protected and covered, even if the Sun is out.

Anyone else feeling all over the place emotionally? Spring is associated with the Liver. And if you’re feeling any emotional upheaval during this transition, here’s why: Two of the major responsibilities of the Liver are managing emotions, and regulating the flow of Qi within the body. Stress and anger are directly correlated with the Liver. If you have trouble going with the flow or letting things go, you may find yourself dealing with a Liver imbalance. When the Liver is in disharmony, we usually see Qi rising upwards (as opposed to its natural downward descent). You know when you get angry and you can literally feel that something is stirring up inside of you? Yup, that’s your Liver Qi telling you something is going on. If a lot came up for you over the winter months and you’re still carrying all of that with you, you may have an emotional build up that is disrupting the body’s flow of Qi. Additionally, rising Yang may have us feeling that we need to have our foot on the gas pedal, rushing into the Spring. But we should ride on cruise control and coast into the season. 

In the Spring, we shift our diets from dense, heavy foods to lighter meals. If you’re someone who likes to partake in cleanses or fasts, now is the time. Incorporate greens into your diet. Spirulina, parsley, kale, wheat grass, collard greens, dark leafy greens - foods that are rich in chlorophyll will help to nourish your Liver. The Liver loves sour foods, so lemons are your friend this season! Oils like olive oil, flax oil, and sesame oil should also find their way onto your plate. Herbs that are great for Liver season are Dandelion, Milk Thistle, and Licorice. As the weather gets warmer, we don’t need to bake our food as much. Instead, steam or stir fry your food. Most importantly, try to eat what is in-season and locally grown as much as possible.

It’s time to get physical! Our bodies are ready to move! Unlike in the winter, where it was important to preserve our energy, Spring is about movement. Regular exercise is necessary, as physical activity helps to open and clear the body and the mind. In the Spring, yang is on the rise - and all of that internal movement and energy needs somewhere to go. Take that boxing class you’ve been meaning to try. Start a running routine. Hit up your local yoga studio for their intro special. Whatever your choice of movement is, stick with it! If the weather permits, get outside as often as you can. And if we’re nourishing the body, we also need to be tending to the soils of the mind.

This season, take a look at old life patterns with a new awareness. Consider how you express your emotions. More importantly, ARE you expressing your emotions? We can assess our state of health by witnessing if we are able to convey our emotions in a healthy way (especially anger). Remember: it’s okay to have big emotions and it’s important to find a healthy way to process and let them go. Yes, this season we are moving, but moving mindfully. As easy as it may be to get lost in the strong energy of Spring, bring awareness to the forefront. Develop the ability to focus and make clear decisions.

The seasonal shifts may feel like a lot, but we have your back! Make an appointment with one of our licensed acupuncturists to help support you and your body transition into the Spring season.

If you suffer from allergies, book your session sooner rather than later!

Spring Equinox Special Offer: 15% off our retail offerings. Dao Labs Chinese Herbal Elixirs and Omad Skincare Sheet Masks are both rooted in Chinese Medicine philosophy and infused with Traditional Chinese Herbs.

valid from April 1 - April 30, 2022

Reach out for more information


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