How Acupuncture Treats Depression & Trauma 

By Beth Conroy, L.Ac.

Acupuncture has a strong spiritual component. In Chinese culture, health is seen as a balance between the physical body, the mind, and the spirit, and acupuncture is believed to help restore this balance by harmonizing the body's energy or "qi" (pronounced "chee").

When one suffers from any kind of depression or trauma, including PTSD, their mind and spirit are experiencing some kind of imbalance within one or many of the meridians or energy channels along the body that acupuncture points reside on.

Each meridian is associated with a specific emotion, such as joy, anger, or sadness, and when the flow of energy through these channels is disrupted, it can lead to emotional imbalances. Stimulating specific points along these meridians can help restore the flow of energy, balance the emotions, promote inner peace, clarity, and connection to a higher power.

Many acupuncture practitioners incorporate healing elements into their treatments (below). Some also believe that the needles themselves can act as conduits for spiritual energy, and may place them in specific patterns or configurations to enhance their effects called Esoteric Acupuncture patterns such as:

  • Meditation

  • Sound therapy

  • Essential oils

  • Breathing exercises

  • Visualization techniques

Esoteric Acupuncture is a form of energy medicine that combines principles from traditional Chinese acupuncture, Hindu philosophy, sacred geometry, the chakra system, and other spiritual traditions developed by Dr. Mikio Sankey. It is based on the idea that there are energetic fields in the body and beyond that correspond to physical, emotional, and spiritual states, and that these fields can be accessed and manipulated through acupuncture needles.

There are specific point patterns on the body that correspond to emotional and spiritual centers, in turn balancing and harmonizing the energetic fields that influence mood and emotional states like depression and PTSD.

If one is experiencing signs of depression or PTSD it is recommended to speak with their primary care physician, therapist and or psychiatrist. Acupuncture is an amazing support to assist in treating depression and in conjunction with other therapies and/or medications. 

Complimentary consultations are available to speak with Beth to learn if acupuncture can help.


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