Fight seasonal allergies before they start!

By Dr. Matthew Fellner

As winter begins to wind down and the snow melts most people's minds turn to thoughts of flowers blooming, longer days, warmer temperatures and finally throwing off the shackles of cabin fever. But for 40 million people, spring also means sneezing, itchy eyes, wheezing, congestion, and the misery of feeling like you have a fishbowl permanently encapsulating your head.   Americans spend billions of dollars on medicating their symptoms with common over the counter drugs like Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin, etc. Some people have symptoms severe enough to warrant allergy shots, while others just tough it out through the entire season. Rarely though are people completely symptom free. There is, however, a safe and extremely effective alternative to combat the annoying symptoms of seasonal allergies that will leave you feeling clear and able to breathe normally. That alternative is...Acupuncture.

Many people do not realize that one of the most profound effects that acupuncture has on the body is through regulation of the immune system. Any time a needle is inserted through the skin, the body automatically produces an immune response. Depending on the points chosen, the overall constitution of the patient, and the presentation of the symptoms, that immune response can either be enhanced to help fight off an external influence (such as viruses, bacteria, mold, pollen, etc.), or it can be suppressed to combat a hyperactive response to environmental factors (similar to the way an antihistamine works). Usually, the most immediate effect of the acupuncture is opening the sinuses and nasal passages. This can often be felt within the first few minutes of a treatment. Normally the effect is temporary, but after a few weeks of regular treatment, the sinuses become less swollen, and the nasal passages can remain clearer for longer periods of time. Most patients also notice a significant reduction in the frequency of headaches, eye irritation, and respiratory problems that also can be present.  Acupuncture can also help to address the underlying immune factors cause you to react so strongly to environmental factors.  

Acupuncture's ability to affect the immune system builds over time, so getting a head start on the Spring season is crucial. Don't wait until you are miserable to start seeking relief. In addition, the combination of Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture can make a dramatic difference. We take into consideration the whole person and customize from a holistic sense for the most impactful results. Inquire with your practitioner or set up a complimentary consultation with Dr. Matthew Fellner to learn if acupuncture and herbal medicine can help.

Did you know? Read below for helpful facts and tips about allergies:

1. Most people whose allergy symptoms begin in March or April are reacting to tree pollen that actually can begin to bloom as early as February depending on the winter weather and geographical location. Another reason to start acupuncture early.

2. Prolonged use of decongestants can actually make the congestion much worse because drying out the mucus membranes will cause swelling in the sinuses, thus narrowing the nasal passages.

3. Mouth Breathing also causes drying out of the nasal passages and swelling. Every patient who comes for acupuncture receives exercises that teach proper nose breathing.

4. Many allergic symptoms can be attributed to improper dietary habits. People who have an allergy or sensitivity to gluten, wheat , dairy, etc. often experience severe sinus congestion, allergic rhinitis, and headaches in addition to stomach issues.

5. Dust is everywhere and when it collects, your allergies are kicked into high gear. Wash your sheets once a week and use mattress covers. Vacuum rugs frequently, and make sure you change the filters on your AC and heating systems approximately every 3 months.

New Product Alert! Bi Yan Ling Spray by Dermatology M.

We carry a very effective herbal nasal spray using a blend of 9 Chinese herbs frequently used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to unblock sinus passages and clear the head from allergy, cold related symptoms. It can have an immediate effect opening up the nose and help you to breathe better! Questions?

How to use:

1.  Although it is comprised of very natural and safe herbs, like any nasal spray it should only be used as necessary and is not meant for continuous, year long use.  It is meant to supplement treatment you should already be receiving for the underlying cause of allergies and sinus congestion.  

2.  The spray can be used up to 3 times per day (do not exceed)

3.  The spray itself is very powerful, so before use make sure you first blow your nose. Give a gentle test spray, then insert and spray one (1) time in each nostril gently.  The sensation will be very fast and should immediately open the passages.  

4.  If you experience any dizziness, headache, or nosebleed, stop using immediately and consult with your acupuncturist/herbalist.  These are very rare, but possible side effects.

Warning: NOT recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Keep out of reach of children


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