New Awakening at the Spring Equinox

By Beth Conroy, L.Ac.

If you’re anything like me you’re ready to shed the layers of winter and step into the budding phase of spring. Well you’re in luck because March 20, 2023 is the Spring Equinox which brings the perfect balance of day and night time. And a beginning of tipping into more sunlight each day afterwards.

Many cultures celebrate this time of year as a way to honor new beginnings and creative endeavors. It’s considered a time to shrug off the stillness of winter, connect with others more often, and set new intentions for the year to come. It’s important to listen to your inner stirrings and be open to new possibilities that may be presenting themself. If you’re considering a new project this is the time to start planning.

While the equinox is all about transitions it’s important to acknowledge that not all transitions happen smoothly. The equinox means moving from a very internal, safe, secure place out into an external, exposed and vulnerable place. It can feel abrupt and that can impact the body, mind and spirit.

However, In Chinese medicine we can offer some simple solutions to help you feel more in alignment with this sacred time of year if you need a little extra support.  Re-balance, Re-energize and Reset.

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Moving into spring can feel like a rude awakening and anger may be more prevalent than normal. A simple activity to do at home is to take short walks while intentionally swinging your arms front and back will help disperse anger and support the energetics of your liver from a Chinese medicine perspective. If you find yourself more cranky then normal be sure to mention to your acupuncturist as we are well trained to directly shift emotional imbalances.

How acupuncture can help: 

When it comes to emotional imbalances in the system, we often look to the organs. The liver tends to hold onto anger, the spleen is associated with anxiety, overthinking, the kidneys are associated with fear. The emotions of the lungs are grief and sadness. And last but not least, the heart, whose emotional expression when it's not in harmony, energetically speaking, is a lack of joy or passion in life. Acupuncture helps restore balance to help your body to better adapt to the stressors of life. Wherever a patient is feeling stuck, we help to move things along so the weight of the world feels a little lighter. This is why most patients notice a feeling of having more energy and clarity with consistent acupuncture treatments.

What you can do at home: Try QiGong, a Take short walks while swinging arms.

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The transition out of the winter stillness can feel hard on our body since we haven’t been physically moving as much. So now is the time to begin reintroducing gentle movements such as yoga, stretching, and walks outside. No need to jump directly into running a 10k, but perhaps a good time to instead plan for one and slowly start training.

How acupuncture can help: Promotes the smooth flow of Qi 'energy’ in the body and release stagnant energy

What you can do at home:

  • Yoga to renew the mind & body

  • Get some time outside in nature and re-connect. Visit the botanical gardens or go for a hike.  

RESET  (in Spring)

Just like the brand new little green buds begin to form and crack through the surface, break through is possible around a habit that you’ve been wanting to leave behind. The energy of the equinox is there to support you and the 20th could be the perfect day to begin. Don’t forget that acupuncture offers amazing detox support including a special protocol called N.A.D.A if you’re letting go in anyway. You can read more about the N.A.D.A. protocol HERE and our Instagram Reels

How acupuncture can help:  In TCM the element of Spring is wood. Wood is known for its strength, flexibility, and expansion. Like nature, it’s time for us to grow. With proper nourishment and care, you’ll find yourself opening up to Spring just as you need.

What you can do at home:

  • Bring awareness to your emotions, release and refresh your perspective

  • In the Spring, we shift our diets from dense, heavy foods to lighter meals. 

  • Spring is a great time to clean out our physical and mental closets. Be open to the new, and look forward. Re-organize closets, start journaling.


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