The connection between Traditional Chinese Medicine & Sexual Health

By Emily Reimann, L.Ac.

In honor of Valentine’s Day we wanted to talk about sexual health and self-love from a Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective. Sexual health is an integral part of our overall health and wellness, and we believe open and honest conversation is essential and fulfilling sex life with yourself and your partner. 

Stress and the sympathetic nervous system

Biomedically, when we are in a heightened stress state, our body is flooded with hormonal signals that trigger the “fight or flight” response. Although this state is generally reserved for acute, dangerous situations, many individuals find themselves in a low to mid grade level of constant stress.  When the sympathetic nervous system is activated, the body responds by sending its resources to specific areas of the body.

For example, there is an increase in blood flow and oxygen to the heart, which results in an accelerated heart rate.  When the body develops the inability to easily alternate between the sympathetic state and parasympathetic (“rest and digest”) state, they may experience palpitations on a regular basis or even feelings of anxiety, panic, and difficulty breathing (hyperventilation).

What does this have to do with sexual health?

When the body is in a heightened state of danger, it directs its resources and blood flow to parts of the body that are considered essential for survival (heart, liver, lungs, muscles, and eyes), and limits blood flow to areas considered non-essential (digestive, reproductive).

The parasympathetic nervous system, referred to as the “rest and digest” or even the “feed and breed” state, is a network of nerves that allows your body to feel safe and relaxed. This state affects the digestive tract, heart, lungs, eyes, elimination system, as well as the reproductive system. Therefore, in order to experience sexual desire, you must be able to access these states of relaxation.

What matters most is that you have a happy, healthy, and fulfilling sex life the way in which you desire to. It is important to have honest and open conversation with your partner(s) about your needs and expectations in (or out of) the bedroom. When it comes to self-love, set time for yourself to do whatever pleases you and how you relate to sexuality personally.

Click here schedule a 1:1 consultation with Emily to learn more

How can acupuncture be helpful for this?

Acupuncture has been shown to calm the nervous system, which results in overall reduction in stress as well as relaxation. When in a relaxed state, you are more likely to experience an increase in arousal as well as pleasure. This means an increase in blood flow that lubricates secretions to reproductive organs. Basically, it gets everything flowing so you are ready, willing, and able to engage in sexual activity. 

Ways to practice self-love and open your heart

In addition to coming in for your regular acupuncture treatment, here are ways to help stimulate the parasympathetic system at home to set the mood:

  1. Activate the sensory system through aromatherapy with relaxing scents and essential oils such as lavender, rose, cedarwood or ylang ylang which act as natural aphrodisiacs 

  2. Incorporate natural herbs into your diet such as ginseng and/or maca root powder which boost arousal and desire through energy and libido 

  3. Intentionally engage your lungs through breathwork, stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system in order to feel more relaxed

  4. Self-massage or exchange massages with your partner in order to tune in to the body’s cues and needs as well as increase sensory awareness to the muscles and skin

  5. Have meditation practice that can help you to manage the stress of daily living

  6. Regularly exercise and ensure you’re getting proper nutrition and sleep for recovery to help feel more at ease. 


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