Winter Season Care

By Team Acuworx

According to Chinese medicine, winter is the season of stillness and conservation.

During the winter months it is natural to feel sluggish and less motivated. It is nature’s period of hibernation and rest. It’s a chance to slow down and revitalize our reserves. That means it’s a great time of the year to reflect on our spiritual and physical health, and heal on a deeper level. Although this year has been unseasonably warm, we should still adjust to the season energetically & physically.

The Five Elements theory, water is the element that is associated with winter.  The organs we associate with winter are the kidneys, bladder, and adrenal glands. In Chinese medicine, our kidneys are considered the most important organ since it is where we store our Source energy or Jing chi. It’s our body's internal battery storing a supply of chi that will carry and sustain each one of us throughout our lives. This Jing chi is inherited to us as a constitutional life force energy and provides us with the energy for all of our bodily functions.

It is believed that every action either can deplete or recharge this power supply. Our daily lifestyle, especially living in a city is constantly on the go. Many of us skip breakfast and work late into the wee hours. We also tend to overindulge and not drinking enough water. The list of Jing depleting activities is endless.  As our Jing is finite, it could be easily wasted by our lifestyle choices. Eventually when it becomes depleted, various ailments can manifest in the body and mind. 

On the other hand, we can help to preserve our Jing chi by making lifestyle choices to conserve our battery reserves. This is especially important in the winter months as our body is designed to go with the flow of the seasons. During winter, our body deserves a winter-rest to slow down, reflect, and take stock.  It is the time to look back on the year that passed while setting goals and looking ahead to the year to come.  We are here to help you achieve those goals for a healthy season mentally and physically. Feel free to contact us for a complimentary consultation with a licensed acupuncturist.


  • Retire early, get up when the sun rises

    • Sleep Formula by Dao Labs is Chinese Herbal Elixir is an effective way to help the body & mind calm for a restful sleep. Contact us with any questions

  • Eating warm nourishing foods, such as soups and stews

  • Keep your mind calm and inward and embrace meditation

  •  Wear a cozy scarf to protect your neck when venturing outside 

  • Never go outside or go to bed with wet hair in the cold weather  

  • Keep a journal: It could be a productive month of inner discovery, and preparing for the renewal of spring energy when everything is outward and reaching upwards

  • Get acupuncture! Acupuncture relaxes the central nervous system and boosts immunity


Warming cinnamon tea  | Yields one pot:

  • 3 whole cinnamon sticks

  • 1 Tablespoons whole cloves

  • Orange peel of 1 small orange (or to taste)

  • 2 - 3  pieces of fresh ginger (about the size of a quarter)

  • 1-2 Tablespoons organic honey (or to taste)

  • 4 cups of boiling water

Add all ingredients to water in a medium pot. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 30 minutes on very low heat. Strain and enjoy! 


The connection between Traditional Chinese Medicine & Sexual Health


Happy Lunar New Year 🐇| 2023